On-Premise MSBI Services

Microsoft business intelligence is an on-premises service to generate rich and interactive reports for on-premises businesses and allow quick and effortless migration to clouds at your terms. You can generate quick reports, identify patterns, and make and share quick business decisions while staying behind the firewalls of your organization. With the Microsoft Power BI server, you can generate comprehensive reports and solutions that are cloud-ready. It has tools for creating, publishing, and distributing reports.


?Creating reports

It provides modern data visualization with easy drag and drop tools to create beautiful and easy-to-understand reports.


?Publishing reports

MSBI services allow you to publish reports directly from the Power BI server. All controls are centralized and you can organize, update, and control access to reports quickly and effortlessly.


?Distributing reports

Sharing and distribution capabilities are ideal to meet the requirement of the present-day digital processes. You can share the reports with the users in no time over the web or mobile platforms using applications as required.


To architect your SQL service system, Glorious Insight provides Microsoft BI services. We chose MSBI to provide secure and scalable services. We ensure effective information delivery by understanding your requirements and evaluating your data and environment. We work closely with your company’s experts, users, and technical staff through planning, design, development, and lifecycle management to align the tools to meet your organizational needs.